World’s Ark
On 11th September 2015, in Ancient Olympia it will be given the starting signal for the Peloponnese Challenge Race. This unique race beside the promotion of Peloponnese and the athletic spirit, aims to promote and a higher idea, that of humanity and solidarity to people who are in need.
The “Kivotos tou Kosmou” (World’s Ark) is a nonprofit organization created by Father Antonios in 1998, with purpose to protect poor children, Greeks or immigrants, who live in the streets and come from single-parent families (often single mothers, most of whom are drug users and / or alcohol). The ultimate goal of the organization is to provide social and psychological support to mothers and help them find work, in order to become financially independent and be able to take care and raise their children, preventing thus the institutionalization of the children.
We would deeply appreciate if you could donate to “Kivotos tou Kosmou” and contribute to this live meaning effort.
Bank Information:
EUROBANK : 0026 0178 870100 872073
IBAN : GR3702601780000870100872073
Peraeus Bank : 5023 – 032595 - 870
IBAN: GR3801720230005023032595870